Local Lower Kalgan residents took to the roads to keep their patch clean in March. Covering approx 20km of roadside and beach, 12 locals picked up rubbish filling 20 bags. Tyres, fishing rope, chip packets, cans, bottles, take away containers and wipes being the biggest contributors. Lets hope next year we will see a reduction as we all aim to leave no trace as we explore our beautiful outdoors. Thanks to Keep Australia Beautiful for providing the bags and South Coast Enviro Experiences for providing the signs. If you want to keep informed of future LKCA activities contact
Sydney Golden Wattle (A. longifolia)
“Cootamundra wattle (Acacia baileyana), Sydney golden wattle (A. longifolia) and Flinders Range wattle (A. iteaphylla) are not a problem in their own natural geographic locations where local seed-eating insects keep them in check. But this natural control does not occur in Western Australia where these wattles reproduce prolifically by seed. If fire sweeps through bushland that they have invaded, it promotes faster germination of their seeds.”
More information see: Department of Agriculture and Food
Swan Point SWAT is open to all residents who want to work together to eradicate the most serious environmental weed around Albany
You can be involved by:
Actively being involved in the eradication process
Allowing supervised eradication of Sydney Golden Wattle on your property
Being supportive of the project in whatever role you are able.
If you know of anyone who has SGW on their property and needs help removing it, please get in touch.
The Kalgan Community (LKCA) have been successful in obtaining funds through the State NRM to carry out Sydney Wattle removal and community awareness raising at Bridge Park Reserve, Nanarup Rd. This is the result of a team effort where a number of different groups and organisations have collaborated to help solve the problem.
View our video presentation on Youtube to find out more about Sydney Golden Wattle and what we are doing:
A community group who care for their Kalgan river through seed propagation, tree planting and pulling weeds along with great morning teas and friendly chats.
Contact: Jim Leighton -