General Meeting

General Meeting

Our next General Meeting will be held at the hall on Tuesday 5th November from 7.00pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Do you have something for the agenda? Please email to the Secretary at

An important agenda item this time round is the Community Business Plan for 2025 - 2028, .and we would really appreciate the contribution of ideas from our local membership.

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Hall Busy Bee

Hall Busy Bee

Our annual hall busy bee is being held on Sunday 28 July between 8-11am, there will be a list of jobs o the board prepared by our wonderful Hall Manager Ainslie.

There will be a job to suit everyone whether it be inside or outside, come with your favourite tools/equipment, stay for as long or as little as you can spare on the day. Every little bit helps keep our community hall functioning for our local community to use. 

Jobs could include gardening, de cobwebbing, washing windows, wiping down kitchen benches/cupboards, sorting through crockery, whipper snipping, sweeping the list goes on.

BYO own gloves and smile.

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Pilates Week 8

Pilates Week 8

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 8

Yoga Week 8

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 7

Pilates Week 7

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 7

Yoga Week 7

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 6

Pilates Week 6

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 6

Yoga Week 6

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 5

Pilates Week 5

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 5

Yoga Week 5

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 4

Pilates Week 4

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 4

Yoga Week 4

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 3

Pilates Week 3

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Yoga Week 3

Yoga Week 3

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Pilates Week 2

Pilates Week 2

Come along and join us - the classes are great no matter what your physical abilities are.

$135 for 8 classes - Discounted for paying before hand
$20 cash for casuals

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Lower Kalgan Pumpkin Fair

Lower Kalgan Pumpkin Fair

Our Pumpkin fair is being planned for SUNDAY 7th April 2024.

So get ready for this annual event which is always a huge success for the whole community. We want to see you there. We have a marquee booked, various vendors will be there including a fabulous coffee van! You cant go without coffee anywhere can you! There will be a pumpkin soup competition, pumpkin and fresh scones to buy, pumpkin weighing competition, live music and loads more fun things we are organizing.

This year for the first time we are holding it at Tamungup / Bridge Park on Nanarup Road next to the Kalgan Caravan Park.It will be a great event and we are looking forward to seeing you ALL there.

It will start at 9am and finish at 1pm and if last year is anything to go on, there will be hundreds of people there. So come early and enjoy it all.

An annual fantastic local event supported and run by the Lower Kalgan Community Association.

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Lower Kalgan Quilting and Craft Group

Lower Kalgan Quilting and Craft Group

The inaugural Lower Kalgan Quilting and Craft group has started, and we have had 3 sessions now since May. The June session was lots of fun with new members coming down and sharing their crocheting and knitting skills with us.

If you are interested in patchwork, knitting, crochet or other craft, pop in and have a chat with us. We will be there the first Saturday of each month from 10 am to 2pm.


M:0423 598 908

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